Yoke, Racing and Lightgun Gaming Box Set-up
If you are upgrading the SD card from our previous Gaming Box, please visit:
Release Notes, Games List and controls can be found on our Google Doc here:
Please read through and watch the videos in this guide to get the most our of your Flying, Racing and Lightgun Gaming Box v2.0
General Controls:
Paddles or Shifter are mapped to DPad up and down. If your controller has a DPad, then those up and down will be mapped to LShoulder and RShoulder - seldom used in games.
START and COIN/SELECT/BACK might be mapped on your controller to buttons not normal, but more conveniently located. |
The A button will advance menus and start games. The B button will back out of the menus.
COIN and START will exit games - in most cases. This INCLUDES Lightguns - exit is on the controller, not the guns.
START will bring up the menu to SHUT DOWN which is recommended before turning the gaming box off.
Control Mapping on our new Yoke Deck:

Visit: cheatsheet.buystuffarcades.com for encoder board functions.
NEW! Online Upgrades and Factory Reset:
Supported Controllers:
Lightguns:Â Using Lightguns with our Gaming Box should be plug and play. When you plug the gun in, the system should recognize it and you should be able to move the cursor around the screen. A controller is required to exit the games (START and COIN) and maybe easier to use for selecting and starting the game as well.
Retro Shooter -Â To calibrate the light gun, press and hold 3 seconds the rear left button, then proceed on shooting target. Make sure you are far enough from your display. The light gun will reboot with updated values once calibration is done.
Sinden - Hold left on its D-pad for five seconds. Shoot the center of the screen. Calibration is complete.
Foot Pedals for Lightgun games: USB keyboard pedals will work with our Lightgun build (after 2.02 update). The Player 1 pedal needs to be set to "A" and Player 2 to "B". The standalone USB pedals that we offer will work, but many other pedals will also work, as long as they function as the letter "A" or "B".Â
Sinden Lightguns: There are several common issues when using Sinden guns.Â
- Too much light on the screen if the cursor isn't tracking properly
- Two guns not working at the same time
- The message "unknown Sinden Gun" connected when pluggin in.
If two guns are not working together properly, they may be plugged into the same USB interface. Using the USB 3 and USB 2 port of the Gaming Box will solve that problem. However, you can also upgrade to the Sinden 1.9 Firmware which will also solve it.
However, when updating to the v1.9 Sinden Firmware, be sure NOT to turn on Joystick mode. If you do, then the "unknown Sinden Gun" message will appear and it will not work properly. Use the Sinden Utility to turn Joystick mode back off in that case.